Different Window Styles

Different Window Styles


Different Window Styles

There are different window styles to suit everybody’s needs. This is why at Trendguard, we offer a diverse range of different window styles for you to choose from. The following explains what exactly these different window styles are, and what they are most suitable for…

Bay Windows

Most commonly seen on the front, exterior walls of houses, bay windows are windows which project outward from the main walls of a building, which forms a ‘bay’ within the room. This allows more light to enter than what other windows could achieve when fitted into the wall line. Replacing different window styles with bay windows is typically more expensive than fitting other window styles, and so it is only realistically advised to have new bay windows fitted into larger, poorly-lit rooms with an overlooking space. They may also be known as bow or compass windows.

Our stunning bespoke bay windows are built to meet the specifications of your room. To find out more, please click here.

Casement Windows

This window style functions by being attached to its frame using hinges along its side. You will tend to see them as a standalone window (known as a single casement), or in a pair (referred to as double frames, or colloquially known as French casements) with the other window opening from the opposite side to give a symmetrical appeal. These windows can also be held open with a metal bar called a casement stay. Due to the nature of how they are designed, casement windows are very good for a slow, cool, natural ventilation when opened, whilst having a very low air leakage rate when closed, thus making them more energy efficient.

Although predominantly used in kitchens, our casement windows will liven up any room.

Flush Windows

Traditionally the original casement windows, flush windows are a marginally different window design where the sash (the moveable panel of the window) fits flat within the window profile without having any protruding areas. Modern flush windows contain a lip, where one window panel will protrude out out of the frame, although the window frame itself will not protrude out at all. Flush windows can be slightly more expensive than casement windows despite using the same mechanisms to function; many people still choose to purchase them over casement windows as they are perceived as more aesthetically appealing, especially on older properties.

Some homeowners whose properties are very old may also choose to replace their old flush windows with new ones that uses the same materials, – such as timber – as this conserves the property’s cultural heritage, normally dedicated within a conservation area. If you are looking for new windows with a rustic design, however, without the tenuous nature of using timber frames, we at Trendguard supply flush windows using modern building materials which can be traditionally designed; recreating the exact appearance and texture of varnished wood.

Tilt & Turn Windows

Our tilt-and-turn windows are designed for the sophisticated modern home. As opposed to using hinges to open a window, tilt-and-turn windows are another range of different window styles which can be opened both vertically, horizontally and either from the inside of the room or to the outside.  Depending on where the hinges are fixed, these windows are referred to as awning windows, (if they are hinged at the top) and hoppers (if they are hinged at the bottom).

You can book a free quote today for Tile and Turn windows by clicking here.

Sash Windows

This is a range of different window styles which are a sliding mechanism which comes in two parts, known as sashes. Sashes are essentially individual window panels contained within their own separate frame, and are separated via window bars. These panels can still be double-glazed, though.

Typically, sash windows open from the bottom panel, which will travel upwards from behind the top panel, which are known as single-hung sash windows. However, double, triple and even quadruple-hung sash windows allow for every window panel to be opened at will. This allows for interior cooling on a hot day; ease-of-access for cleaning purposes and in the event of a fire, a double-hung sash can provide a better fire escape than only a single-hung sash.

Rather than using timber which is prone to rotting, and swelling which leads to warping, our bespoke sash windows are built using the latest materials. This means their performance will not be affected regardless of the time of year, whilst providing your home with the elegant finish it deserves.

Fixed Windows

These final different window styles offer no functionality, as they are not adjustable, and cannot be opened. They are typically viewed stained glass windows, such as what is found in churches, and are purposefully built to not be opened. For example, in some small, decorative window builds, it would not be practical for the homeowner to make them openable, as the mechanism would be contained within a tight space making it more difficult to clean, as well as more difficult for the fitter to install due to the size of the mechanisms parts themselves.

Our fixed windows are bespoke for all your size specifications. This means if your ideal window is rounded and small to create a cottage core aesthetic, such as what is shown above, or if you want to expand your window space on the upper floors of your home using toughened glass for safety, our locally available team of window installers are always available for all your different window styles.

So, now having decided the window style you want, all that’s left to choose from is the colour of your window frame(s). Even though you can decide on any colour from our selection which takes to your liking, it may be advisable to choose a colour that matches well with the colour of your surrounding bricks, or other building material. This article from FENSA takes a more in-depth look at the colours of the different window styles you may want to match with the brickwork of your home. For more information on different window styles, please click here.

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