Types of Window Frames

Types of Window Frames

Types of Window Frames

Choosing between the right types of window frames for you can be quite confusing given that some of the different materials used to make them appear similar their properties and chemical components. We at Trendguard present our comprehensive description of the different types of windows there are; some of which we supply and refit/install straight to your door.

Wooden Frames

Wooden window frames are the earliest types of frames constructed. They tend to be more expensive to install, and although wooden frames can last for as long as other window frames, this is only when they are maintained properly which adds on additional expenses you would otherwise save with other window types. This is because wood is an organic material which changes in composition overtime due to natural decay, and the weather. Humidity, and the temperature can change the size of the frames; causing them to swell, and overtime warp which means they may become stuck or aren’t able to be locked properly.

These window frames are also the most susceptible types of window frames to erosion, and can rot from other sources, such as woodworms and mould growth including both dry and wet rot, due to window frames being exposed to outdoor and indoor environments. Their energy efficiency is also dependent on the condition and quality of the wood used in the frames. We at Trendguard strongly recommend you consider replacing your wooden window frames after 10 years with new, uPVC window frames, especially if your windows are damaged.

Vinyl/uPVC Frames

These types of window frames are made from a polymer plastic known as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and has definitively proven itself as one of the most durable materials to use in window frames both within its applications for plumbing, guttering and other pipework alongside its longevity as a window frame compared to other types of window frames. They are among the most affordable types of window frames, and act as very efficient insulators of heat; thus preventing external and internal heat entering and escaping your home. This allows you to keep a well-regulated indoor temperature, regardless of the weather outside.

uPVC window frames require no maintenance either, since they are not susceptible to issues organic compounds face such as decay, nor are they prone to suffering and so can be easily opened and closed all-year-round. For more information on our uPVC windows, please click here.

Fiberglass Frames

Fiberglass window frames are the least commonly used window frames in this industry, mainly because it is very difficult to find a supplier which provides them, and because of their expensiveness in comparison to uPVC frames which are relatively similar. Albeit fiberglass frames are slightly more durable and more efficient at insulating than wooden frames, in addition to them being of such a similar composition to the window glass that they inflate and deflate at approximately the same rates based on the temperature, they require maintenance that uPVC windows do not.

Even though the material itself resists cracking and fading for much longer than uPVC windows, in contrast, fiberglass itself is far more dull and considerably less appealing than uPVC windows which can be stylised to look identical to traditional window frames, including an engraved, wooden pattern which creates an even more immersive result when using modern materials to retain a traditional style. Fiberglass windows, on the other handed, need to be painted separately if you want more vibrant colours, as their colour range is not very diverse in the manufacturing process.

Aluminium Frames

Aluminium window frames are light and yet are incredibly durable. They are least likely to warp as a result of the temperature out of any of the different types of windows. However, aluminium window frames face many drawbacks which make them unreliable for use as external windows. They are the most expensive types of window frames you can buy; they are the least energy efficient as all metals are very poor as insulators and are purposefully used to conduct heat and energy instead.

Aluminium window frames are also prone to corrosion, even if they are galvanised with a zinc coating. This is because any scratches to the surface will expose the aluminium beneath it, which leads to a process of oxidisation that will then wither away by natural elements such as the wind, which in-turn exposes more, pure aluminium which will oxidise again; ergo further weakening the window frame structure. Aluminium window frames at least won’t decay by other means, nor are affected by the sun, even when painted with metal paint.

Composite Frames

Composite window frames are a range of types of window frames which use multiple window frame materials in its final product, such as wood and PVC. Also known as clad window frames, the use of different materials leads to a more stable and energy efficient result. For example, a PVC covering over a wooden frame provides the benefits of having an aesthetically pleasing, long-lasting and durable outer layer which requires no maintenance, in addition to an inner layer where its insulating capability is preserved and protected from decaying factors. Composite windows also allow for different types of glass to be fitted into them.

The only real negative to composite window frames is that they can be relatively far more expensive than the other types of window frames. Click here to find out how much new widows could cost for you.


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