3 Steps, How Long Do uPVC Windows Last? The Ultimate Guide!

3 Steps, How Long Do uPVC Windows Last? The Ultimate Guide!

How long do uPVC Windows last?

We’re often looking for ways to improve our homes, but one option that often gets overlooked is replacing your double glazed uPVC windows. Most homes in England typically now have double-glazing installed, because it’s a cost effective and easy-to-maintain option. Providing you follow all of the guidance following a new installation, your new double-glazed windows should last years.

uPVC Windows Last Longer Than Timber Windows

Double-glazed windows can be made from various materials. When we’re asked how long do uPVC Windows last, we’re normally comparing this to other types. Timber is becoming less common, with our lifestyles becoming busier by the day the upkeep required to keep them looking at their best has been outweighed. uPVC Windows lasts longer simply because of its durable and robust design. You’ll never have a rotting uPVC window, and there’s no need to varnish them once a year.

uPVC Windows Last Longer Than Aluminium Windows

How long do uPVC windows last compared to aluminium window frames? Because uPVC isn’t prone to corrosion, it’s often another great reason to consider it as your chosen replacement. Aluminium isn’t as durable in hot consistent heat nor with a tendency to warp. Warping or damage from heat is something you won’t experience with good quality uPVC windows. You can’t paint aluminium windows either, so any damages they suffer could be costly to repair.

How long will a uPVC window last?

uPVC is very durable, so how long do uPVC windows last? It’s longevity can be extended depending on the care you take to maintain them. It’s typically the hardware, handles and hinges that would fail first. Most uPVC windows are double-glazed, and the glazing is said to have an expectancy of 10 years. However, uPVC itself could possibly last decades. It’s the components within the units that would be the first to fail. Cheaper uPVC would possibly start to discolour, and the overall appearance would begin to look aged.

uPVC windows have come a long way. If you’re now in the market to replace your double glazing, there are a few things to consider. Just like a new car versus an old one: both serve the same functionality. However, they’re refined in ways you can only experience or visualise. For example, higher energy ratings would be one of the key reasons for replacing your existing ones. New uPVC windows are also thicker, (depending on the manufacturer) with a depth of 70mm typically.

If you’d like to know more about how long do uPVC windows last, feel free to get in contact and speak with our team. With our FENSA registered installations and our mandatory insurance-backed guarantee, rest assured you’re in good hands. We have a short quick read article on all the information you need to know about FENSA here.

There’s no such thing as a silly question, even if it’s ‘how long do uPVC Windows last?’. We have customers ask us a whole range of different questions and we’d like to think we could ask all your questions with ease and honesty. Every uPVC Window design is different. This is because there are so many different manufacturers to choose from, and each individual window design or configuration will have its own pros or maybe cons. Every window we install here at Trendguard is rated A+ as standard, this will help with your hideous and current energy bills! Fitted with the best hardware we know is available with protective security features.

Feel free to get in touch. You can call Trendguard 7 days a week, 8am till 10pm. If you’d like to book a free 12 months quote, just follow the link here.

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